How To Become Overweight

The idea behind this hypothetical plan is simple:

To showcase the implementation of small, seemingly inconsequential changes that can create a chain of habits over time.

The key point here is that even small changes—good or bad—can accumulate over time and result in significant outcomes. Therefore, those looking to improve their health should not be discouraged if they don’t see immediate results.  Every small step in the right direction counts in the long run.

It’s important to note that this is a hypothetical plan for illustrative purposes only.

“How to Become Overweight”

Disclaimer: This is a fictional plan meant to draw parallels with the time and dedication it takes to lose weight and improve health. Do NOT follow these guidelines.


Loosen your belts, because Month 1is gonna be wild as we go full throttle into the indulgent world of GAINING!

Forget the protein shakes; we’re going for milkshakes, pizza, and double-fudge browinies as we lay a fluffy foundation the likes of which we have never seen.

This is not a one-time event, either; it’s a lifestyle.  It will take persistence, time and dedication for long-term success. We are all in for the long “chew”!

Week One

Introduce Sugary Drinks into Your Daily Diet

Why: Sugary drinks like soda or sweetened teas add extra calories without providing any essential nutrients.

Parallel for Healthy Choices: Conversely, one of the first steps to improving your health can be to eliminate or drastically reduce sugary beverages from your diet. This simple change can save you hundreds of calories each week, which adds up over time.  Drinking water instead of sugary beverages can make a significant difference in calorie intake and overall health.

Week Two

Incorporate Fast & Takeout Food 2-3 Times a Week

Why: Fast food is generally high in calories, sodium, and unhealthy fats.

Parallel for Healthy Choices: Cooking at home allows you to control ingredients and portion sizes, leading to a healthier diet over time.

Week Three

Begin Snacking on High-Calorie, Low-Nutrient Foods& Eliminate Fruits and Vegetables from Your Meals

Why: Snacking on junk food adds extra calories and cause you to miss out on essential nutrients and fiber that come from fruits and vegetables.

Parallel for Healthy Choices: Opt for healthy snacks like fruits, nuts, and vegetables Slowly add more fruits and vegetables into each meal for a well-rounded and to maintain energy and nutrient levels throughout the day.

Week Four

Incorporate the lessons learned in Weeks 1-3 into a fine-tuned, cohesive routine.


Continue Fast Food Consumption, Increase to 4-5 Times a Week

Why: Further increases calorie, sodium, and unhealthy fat intake.

Parallel for Healthy Choices: Regularly plan and prepare balanced meals as a long-term commitment to health.


Introduce Late-Night Eating Habits

Why: Consuming calories close to bedtime can lead to weight gain as the body is less active.

Parallel for Healthy Choices: Restrict food intake to certain hours of the day.  It can help regulate body weight and metabolism.

Adopt Sedentary Lifestyle, Aim for Less Than 2,000 Steps a Day

Why: Lack of physical activity makes it easier to gain weight.

Parallel for Healthy Choices: Even small daily increases in physical activity can lead to long-term health benefits.

MONTHS 4 & 5

During Months 4 & 5

Continue with all that you have learned during the first three months and further engrain the tactics into your daily routine living.  Do not be concerned with results.  Simply do your best to focus on how you feel.  Don’t give up!  Rome was not built in a day. 


Make Fast Food and Takeout a Daily Routine

Why: Daily consumption magnifies all the negative impacts of fast food.

Parallel for Healthy Choices: Committing to a meal plan that includes a variety of whole foods can lead to sustained health benefits.

Eliminate ALL Physical Activity

Why: Physical inactivity accelerates weight gain and causes health issues.

Parallel for Healthy Choices: Consistent exercise, even if it’s just walking, can greatly improve long-term health.

MONTHS 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12

Double the Portion Sizes for All Meals

The lesson contained in this playful lesson plan is clear; becoming out of shape and overweight does not happen instantly. 

Bad habits often start small, and their consequences are not immediately visible. Similarly, positive changes can also start small and may not produce instant results, but their long-term impact is significant.

Just as gaining weight doesn’t happen overnight, losing weight and getting into better shape also requires time, dedication, and consistent effort.

Stay determined and keep pushing forward. Never quit. Let time handle the rest!